LoyJoy for insurers

Conversational Insurance as a Service.

Leading Insurance Brands rely on LoyJoy to build direct relationships with customers. Convert more leads, answer questions, and let customers take out insurance via chat.

Use Cases for the Insurance Brands.

Application Process
Customers take out insurance in a seamless chat. Boost conversion!
Lead Generation
Leads are expensive. A LoyJoy Chat guides them toward conversion.
Customer Care & Live Chat
Offer 24/7 service and automate your customer care processes.
Claims Process
Create a 'Pizza delivery' claims experience.
Raffles & Advent Calendar
Excite customers and leads alike with a lively chat experience.
Explain new products, excite customers, answer questions.

Success Case

Simply Take Out Insurance via Chat

WGV Versicherung is known for perfect protection, good value for money and top claims service. In order to address customers online faster and more directly, the tradition-rich insurer relies on LoyJoy. For example, customers can take out YoungDriver insurance directly via chat.

Simply Take Out Insurance via Chat

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