Updates | What's new?| September 2020

Updates | What’s new?| September 2020
New Animations
Excite your consumers with our amazing LoyJoy Animations. Enhance your content with enjoyable special effects and make your customer experience even more exciting.
Add our LoyJoy animations to your chat flow and discover the broad variety of animations.
Thrilled? Try out all our animations!
Label your Process Modules
Set a label for your process modules to stay on top of your chat flow logic. Build chat flows collaboratively without complex briefings. It has never been easier!
Copy Experiences, Groups and whole Bots
Copy an inspiring experience straight into your chatbot. You can duplicate an existing experience, experience groups or a whole chatbot. Work collaboratively with your team and benefit from former chat experiences. Use and adapt the given chat flows and go live in no time!
Keen to learn more? Check out our Knowledge Base on GitHub.
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