LoyJoy Brand

“Motivated by joy”, our northstar in refreshing the LoyJoy brand

The development of the new LoyJoy logo. Italic to emphasize more dynamic and fell. Accentuated Simmetry of Loy and Joy. Dunbar tall bald italic, Round Ys to emphasize Joy & Symmetry and an extended J for Better legibility in small sizes.

“Motivated by joy”, our northstar in refreshing the LoyJoy brand

We are happy and proud to reveal our new LoyJoy brand to the public today. Our new brand doesn’t change what we stand for, it reflects our brand identity and values better than before.

LoyJoys growth is accelerating. We have built deep and trusted relationships with market-leading brands and household names. We work for our customers around the globe on all continents. From the humble beginnings, our product and our company have matured into a well-received platform with a unique approach towards Conversational Marketing.

We decided it was time to adapt our brand to reflect this development.

Where we came from

The rectangular logo formed the two letters L and J. The strong orange tones stood for departure, courage and wanted to attract attention. This served us well in the initial phase. However, our product and ours have developed further. This maturity is now being replaced by a more professional and discreet brand.

The previous LoyJoy logo until July 2020

Also the past two and a half years have helped us to define our brand core and unique selling propositions (USP). While we still liked our existing branding, we believed a change was necessary to portray our values through the branding as well.

For the first time in this process we reached out for external help. From working on mutual projects we knew and valued the great expertise of designer Simon Wedekind.

Our core values and mission

We deeply care for a usable and high quality product that scales seamlessly from 1 to millions of conversations each day.

We have a team of hard working people that are obsessed with bringing a next generation software platform to marketers around the globe.

But first and foremost: “We are motivated by joy.”

What does that mean? Success is joy. Working successfully together brings joy to marketers. Conversation is joy. A beautifully crafted conversational experience brings joy to consumers. Empowerment is joy. Working with our customers in a partnership of mutual growth brings joy to the LoyJoy team.

We believe: There is no great brand experience without joy.

Joy carries us like a big wave 🏄, motivates us intrinsically 💪 and lets us

create 👩‍🎨 amazing, new things. Joy has the power to transform a product or service from an unwanted 🤦‍♀️ to requested 🙋‍♀️, from push to pull.

We call it joyvertising.

Developing the new brand

While a brand derives from the company internally, we wanted to have external consulting in expressing our values to the public.

We are proud that we were able to win over the first-class design expert Simon Wedekind for our brand relaunch. Simon has guided the entire process from strategy to asset design.

Here is what Simon has to say about the process.

“A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or organization.” — Marty Neumeier

I believe in honest, truthful communication. A good branding reveals the character of a company and provides a connected vision. In order to work out who LoyJoy really are I started with a brand strategy workshop, collected clients feedback and did some research. A big plus was my own, first hand work experience with LoyJoy.

LoyJoy is more than a software development tech company. From my experience they are also thought leaders in conversational marketing, passionate collaborators, enablers. This makes a big difference. They understood that technical features are meaningful when they are beneficial for and resonate with the human user. If it does, it will result in astonishing results for the businesses. The proof of this understanding can be found right in the company’s name LoyJoy.

Conversations are the human way to form relations and gather insights. Combined with joy it is a powerful method to find, delight and convert (new) customers into loyal fans.

For those reasons I chose not to take the common route of distanced, techy, inhuman and somehow scary bot visuals. Instead, I created a visual language that reflects the human, the joy, coupled with a premium look & feel that values the serious business side and quality of their offering. I think the design differentiates LoyJoy clearly from the competition and makes it stand out in the market.

The development of the new LoyJoy logo. Italic to emphasize more dynamic and fell. Accentuated Simmetry of Loy and Joy. Dunbar tall bald italic, Round Ys to emphasize Joy & Symmetry and an extended J for Better legibility in small sizes.

Development of the new LoyJoy logo

Overview of the new LoyJoy brand and product logos

LoyJoy - Motivated by joy. Short and pushy with a magical, higher purpose feel.

The new brand claim “Motivated by joy”.

LoyJoy - Motivated by joy. Short and pushy with a magical, higher purpose feel.

The new primary logo for LoyJoy

The new logo for the LoyJoy conversational cloud platform.

The new logo for the LoyJoy Conversational Cloud platform

Overview of all logo assets, primary, cloud platform and combined for social media and publications.

Overview of all logo assets, primary, cloud platform and combined for social media and publications.

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