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LoyJoy Spring Release 2022: Make Your Experience Stand Out

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A small dog with a Butterfly on its Nose and the caption: "LoyJoy Spring Release 2022".

LoyJoy Spring Release 2022: Make Your Experience Stand Out

Nature is growing and so is LoyJoy. The LoyJoy Spring Release 2022 brings you amazing, new possibilities to wow your customers.

To Make You Wait No Longer – Our Top 5 Highlights

🌟 Give the chat your own visual touch. Style it matching to your brand.
📄 Create PDF in the chat. Offer PDF for download directly or send it via email.
📍 Excite customers with the brand new Google Maps Module.
✅ Perform many operations for multiple experiences simultaneously.
📣 Encourage customers to open the chat if it has not been opened yet.

Check out the Spring Release YouTube Video

Highlight No.1: Individual Branding 🌟

Design your chat according to your wishes with the LoyJoy Pro tarif. You can now change the appearance of your chat like colors and border colors for each item individually. Use your own font and make your chat recognizable.

In addition to that: The updated design makes it even easier for you to track what changes are being made!

The updated design of the LoyJoy platform.

Highlight No.2: Create PDF in the Chat📄

Design your chat according to your wishes with the LoyJoy Pro tarif. You can now change the appearance of your chat like colors and border colors for each item individually. Use your own font and make your chat recognizable.

In addition to that: The updated design makes it even easier for you to track what changes are being made!

The PDF document creation tool.

This amazing Pro feature enables you to create PDF documents on the fly.Generate a PDF from a HTML template and populate user information using variables. Offer it for download directly in the chat.

What can you use this feature for?🦸♂️ 🦸♀️

An example: The data for the insurance conclusion can be downloaded at the end as an insurance confirmation by the customer and also sent to him via e-mail. It makes everything easier, faster and smarter.

Highlight No.3: Guide Your Customers via Google Maps📍

Ask your customers for their address and calculate the distances to a set of locations. Show the closest 3locations as a list and offer direct navigation.For example, a list of your retailers can be stored here.As soon as the customer enters his location, the nearest stores are displayed and the customer can be conveniently guided there via Google Maps.

An experience and some locations near the address entered by the user are displayed.

Highlight No.4: Change Multiple Experiences at Once ✅

You can now perform many operations for multiple experiences simultaneously.
→ Move, archive, pause and paste the branding.

Watch our YouTube Video to see how easy it is:

Highlight No.5: Loop People Into the Conversation With the Brand New Chat Preview 📣

LoyJoy now offers you messages to encourage users to open the chat as long as it has not been opened. Of course, you decide about the delay of the chat preview.

On top of that you can now add buttons (quick replies) in the preview to jump directly in an experience or to a process module.

The new Chat preview buttons. Where you can encourage users to open the chat as long as it has not been opened.

FAQ’s ❓❗

1. Q: What happens to my previous chat UI design?
A: Don’t worry. It remains exactly as it is after the release.

2. Q: What am I doing in the chat UI design for new experiences? A: The main color is applied to all parts that can be changed. The branding behavior has not been changed.

3. Q: Is it possible to delete multiple experiences at the same time in bulk?
A: With LoyJoy, results are saved directly and there is no way back. This is an advantage of the platform, you cannot lose anything. But for this reason, each experience can only be deleted individually and with an additional step.

4. Q: I have some more questions. Where can I find more answers?
A: You can find more detailed answers in this YouTube Video. Furthermore, feel free to contact the LoyJoy team at any time.

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