LoyJoy Now Features a BPMN Process Engine to Automate Processes With Chatbots

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LoyJoy Now Features a BPMN Process Engine to Automate Processes With Chatbots

We are happy to release LoyJoy 2.0 offering companies to flexibly design, build and publish chatbot-powered business processes on websites, portals, Facebook and Instagram.

BPMN 2.0 is the global gold standard for professional process modeling and automation. This standard is now an integral part of the LoyJoy Conversational Marketing Cloud.

Starting today, our new process editor empowers brands to customize the existing LoyJoy chatbot modules (NPS, raffle, lead qualification, Advent calendar, and more) or create custom processes.

While designing dialogue-based processes can become complex very quickly, LoyJoy offers a new, simplified approach. LoyJoy models your chat flow as a linear process, so that you can always keep track of all steps. In the process editor, you can use smart process building blocks instead of single utterances. The actual logic then takes place within these process building blocks. Such smart process building blocks are, for example, our questionnaire module or the new photo upload module.

The modules are also enhanced by artificial intelligence. Thus, our photo module not only allows your customers to send any photos, but also contains image recognition technology for analysing the image content. One example is the recognition of sales receipts to reward customers for their purchases.

New What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor

Adapting chat texts and images is now even more intuitive, because the entire chat process is already filled with standard texts and is immediately displayed as a preview.

An example for a created experience with the LoyJoy platform is shown. It shows the different edit options to modify the experience.

As before, each LoyJoy conversational experience comes with live analytics to measure the key performance indicators.

If you’re a LoyJoy customer, log in to your account and enjoy the new features.

Not a customer yet? Talk to our sales team, book a free demo or sign up right away. You get a 14-day free trial.

Check out the video below for a brief introduction into our new process editor.

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