LoyJoy at #WirVsVirusHack

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LoyJoy at #WirVsVirusHack

Last weekend my flatmates and I participated in the #WirVsVirus hackathon organized by the german government. Check out what we’ve built.

Is there an increased risk because a colleague or friend may have become infected with the coronavirus? Exactly this question is currently being asked by many citizens and this uncertainty is overburdening especially the medical care and information centres.

Together with my flatmates I have taken up this challenge and developed a Smart Solution for a self-assessment test based on our chatbot technology and with the help of our BPMN engine as part of the #WirVsVirus hackathon of the German government.

Citizens can now inform themselves interactively by answering questions about which category of contact persons the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) classifies them into and which recommendations for action can be derived from this.

This process model is based on a decision tree of the Zeit Online article. In addition, current statistics of corona infections of the RKI can be queried or FAQs of the WHO can be obtained.

Try it yourself or integrate our chatbot for colleagues and customers on your website to find out what risk of infection you are exposed to. Therefore, copy the following script code and paste it into your HTML before the closing body tag.

script src=“https://cloud.loyjoy.com/widget/4fec408e-3366-482f-8694-e1f1a4a77b88”/scriptscriptLoyJoy(“boot”, {“bot”:“4fec408e-3366-482f-8694-e1f1a4a77b88”})/script

#stayathome #flattenthecurve

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