
Interview With Long-Time Customer Savencia About the Successful Partnership

A picture of the interview partner Johannes Friess.

Interview With Long-Time Customer Savencia About the Successful Partnership

Lately, we’ve interviewed Johannes Frieß, the Digital Innovation Manager of Savencia, and talked about their experience with LoyJoy. Savencia is among the first LoyJoy customers. Together, Savencia and LoyJoy celebrated great successes like the ich-liebe-kaese Advent Calendar of 2018. Just 6 months after a successful PoC with the world’s first chatbot advent calendar, Savencia moved all activation measures across all brands onto the LoyJoy platform. LoyJoy became Savencia’s tech partner and since then work closely together on innovative projects.

Who Is Savencia?

Savencia is a family-run, listed French dairy group specializing in cheese. Savencia is the market leader in this sector worldwide, including in Germany, and is itself number 2 in France. The French Groupe Savencia spoils consumers all over the world with enjoyable and high-quality products: Cheese specialties from major brands, exquisite chocolate specialties, cured meats, fish products, and much more. “We want to feed people well!” is the Group’s mission - also in Germany. Here it markets cheese brands such as Géramont, Fol Epi, Saint Albray, Milkana and Bresso.

Interview With Johannes Friess About the LoyJoy Experience

”LoyJoy Is Competitive in the Future Even More Than Today”

  1. Can you introduce yourself briefly? Who are you? What do you do?

With pleasure, yes, thank you. I am Johannes Friess. I’ve been with Savencia Fromage Dairy for four and a half years now. This is the market leader of the yellow line. (The market for milk and dairy products in the grocery trade is divided into two main categories in professional circles: The Yellow Line and the White Line. The Yellow Line generally includes cheese products.) I’m Digital Innovation Manager and try to develop the topics like consumer center, data, marketing, and all the possibilities from the technical, but also from the strategic point of view.

  1. For how long have you been working with LoyJoy?

It’s already a very long partnership. I would really also underline that again. You can call it an actual technology partnership. It’s the first real partnership that we’ve established and we enjoy it since the mid, end of 2018.

  1. What do you like best?

It’s a mixture. First, the people behind LoyJoy. It’s a great added value that this team has found each other and has the ambition to get it right and scale strategically and technically wisely. Second, the approach, the strategy or even the product, the way it’s built, and the way it’s developed. The third is the partnership idea, the way to work with partners. LoyJoy goes the extra mile for its partners. I believe LoyJoy will be very competitive in the future, even more than today.

  1. What would you like to see from LoyJoy in the future?

Of course, the fast development on the one hand has the consequence that on the other hand the users sometimes can’t keep up. If you are guided by a How-to, a Guide Me, or an application video in the product, that would be super good.

Savencia Rates LoyJoy With 6 out of 5 Stars

  1. Which problems do you solve with the product?

As humans, we have learned a certain ability to communicate, to entertain ourselves through conversation and speech. The computer tries to interact with humans the best it can, which means it tries to be as human as possible. No human being enjoys filling out a form.

LoyJoy is the door to the consumer: Through contact that is more natural, more human, more emotional, and therefore more trust inspiring, we solve the challenge of getting as many people as possible to interact with brands. We’ve solved the challenge of not just reaching a lot of people, but really getting through to the consumer and creating real, interactive engagement. We create much more trust with the customer and get to communicate with them, engage in conversations, no matter the age group. The biggest achievement is the longevity of this dialogue.

  1. What was your biggest success with LoyJoy? Can you tell me about an example use case?

The Advent calendar was our biggest success: implementing it at speed and with the absolute will to make it a success. The partnership-based co-development approach worked great. Something unique in the German-speaking world- fast, without big systems, GDPR-compliant opt-in model, combined with the power of the conversational engine and people’s consent at the same time.

  1. On a scale of 1-5 stars, how many stars would you give LoyJoy?

6 out of 5 stars.

Thanks again to Savencia and to Johannes Friess for this inspiring interview. We are looking forward to the next great years of our partnership.

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