LoyJoy Platform

Create Faster: LoyJoy's New Template Store

LoyJoys new template store with different templates for you experiences.

Create Faster: LoyJoy’s New Template Store

Increase your Efficiency with 28 Amazing Experiences Templates 😎

💥 28 brand new templates

💥 usable with one click

💥 Shopify, Live Chat, Embedded Content, Audio & Video, and much more

The Template Store Will Help You To:

  • Save your precious time

  • Discover new experiences

  • Create experiences with just one click

How Does It Work?

You just log in to LoyJoy Cloud, click on “New experience” and select “From template”. And boom💥 – 28 creative, built-in templates will show up. Choose your fav one. And all done.

The icon "New experience", where you can select "From template" to create your experience.

The templates come at no extra cost for our customers 🌟.

Example No. 1: Audio & Video 🎧

You can now embed audio and cool videos in the chat. Let your creativity run free! Talk personally to your customers and boost your dialogue and customer connection.

If you’ve clicked on the “Audio & Video” template, this one will show up:

An experience that offers audio and video within the chat.

Example No. 2: Loyalty Template🏅

You can now reward your customers even faster with loyalty points for chat interactions by using the pre-built “Loyalty” template.

P.S. The template store also offers the Loyalty Reward template where customers can redeem their loyalty points for rewards.

An experience that offers loyalty point within a chat.

Example No. 3: Snapshot 📸

Let customers take a photo and AI image recognition tells you which category it belongs to. Challenge the AI and test its intelligence 😉.

The AI was already smart enough to recognize a dog from the LoyJoy Team.

An experience where you can upload a snapchot to the chat.

Upcoming: The LoyJoy chat can soon be integrated into the page flow of a website instead of running as an overlay on a page. Stay tuned 🎉🎉

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