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FHM x LoyJoy: Modern Studying Thanks to Innovative University Chatbot

FHM x LoyJoy: Modern Studying Thanks to Innovative University Chatbot

The applications of the LoyJoy Conversational Platform are as diverse as our customers. An intelligent solution for use in a university’s intranet was new for us too. Together with the FH des Mittelstands (University of Applied Sciences), we developed a chatbot solution that offers students help within scripts and other study-relevant documents.

LAICA - The Innovative University Chatbot

As a multilingual chatbot, LAICA answers questions about scripts, exams, and studying in general, serving as a tutor for students. Do you have a question about the current script in the Social Work program? Just ask LAICA, and you’ll quickly get a reliable answer. Are you looking for a quick summary of a chapter? That’s possible too! Or do you have a question about how to register for an exam? The chat helps you with that. LAICA responds not only in German but in several languages as desired.

Knowledge as a Foundation

Of course, it’s important that LAICA knows what she’s talking about. Therefore, websites, documents, and of course, scripts from the FHM serve as a knowledge base. The AI behind LAICA then generates useful answers from this database. We explain how this works in detail in this article. Thanks to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), it’s guaranteed that LAICA provides reliable answers.

For people to be able to balance career, life, and studies - the university must be as flexible as possible. Through LoyJoy’s AI support, FHM is able to offer study content and information about studying with maximum flexibility and individuality. This is how studying works today!

  • Prof. Dr. Tim Brüggemann, Vice-Rector for Distance Learning, Continuing Education & Online University of FHM

Study Counseling Made Easy

FHM offers a chatbot solution not only for already enrolled students. A service bot has been implemented on the website that can answer all questions about FHM and studying. This creates optimal support not only for current students but also for all those who want to become students or want to get information without obligation. Try it out here right now!

The FHM Study Counseling Chatbot in action

LoyJoy - The Versatile Solution

The collaboration between LoyJoy and FHM impressively demonstrates how versatile and adaptable the LoyJoy Platform is. With LAICA, an innovative university chatbot was created that makes studying more modern and pleasant. This solution demonstrates that AI-supported communication goes far beyond conventional applications and can create real added value in complex educational environments.

Would you like to learn more about how the LoyJoy Conversational Platform can enable innovative solutions in your field as well? Whether in the education, insurance, or banking sector, in customer service or internal processes - the possibilities are almost limitless.

Contact us today for a personal consultation and discover how we can master your specific challenges together. Let’s shape the future of digital communication together! 🚀💡

— by Steffen Wichtrup

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