Why Should You Consider Using a Chatbot for Your Brand?

Why Should You Consider Using a Chatbot for Your Brand?
More and more brands are using chatbots on their websites. Study after study shows how important a chatbot experience is to today’s consumers. According to an ARD-/ZDF-Online Study 94% of respondents use the internet and 80% of respondents use WhatsApp. Another survey reveals that Social Media is used daily for an average of more than one hour a day. Nevertheless a report by Business Insider Intelligence revealed that messaging apps have surpassed social networks already in 2015. Above all, it is the messenger services today that are used by the majority of online users (several times) daily. A BVDW study indicated that in line with the high usage of messenger services, reading and writing messages is the most frequent activity.
And we’ve picked the Top 4 reasons why you should consider using a chatbot for your brand.
Reason No. 1💡: Chat Is the New Normal
You may think that only Gen Z might be using chatbots.
However, a study of Bitkom showed that 90% of consumers chat regularly. Chat usage spans across generations, making it a universal communication channel. Conversational brands embrace the fact that customers spend most of their screen-time chatting.
Reason No. 2💡: Conversion Rates Explode
It is hard enough to get people to visit your website, but it is even more difficult to convert them into customers.
Anyway, as Data of Intercom reveals website visitors are 85% more likely to convert into customers if they’ve chatted with you first. Every message increases the likelihood of turning visitors into customers. What’s more, their accounts are worth 13% more than those where the business didn’t have a conversation before sign up. Leaning into real-time, conversations aren’t just a nice-to-have, but they’re great for capturing and converting website visitors too. Only one message over live chat increases conversion odds by 50%. Two messages increase those chances by 100%. Another fact worth mentioning is that a simple conversation with 6 exchanged messages makes a visitor 250% more likely to become a customer.
Reason No. 3💡: Chat Is a Great User-Friendliness Experience
If we’re being honest, everyone of us is nowadays spoiled with user-friendliness tools, starting with Apple and iPhones. We’re becoming more comfortable with everything we do. By implying a chatbot, you can not only profit from user-friendliness but from other factors as well.
Here we can make use of a study of Bitkom 2018 which examined important factors for choosing a messenger. Results were that 92% of respondents said that user-friendliness and ease of use were important or very important to them when choosing a messaging app. 87% said that they found data security of communication through end-to-end encryption important. And last but not least, 56% consider the internationality of the service as highly important.
Reason No. 4💡: Chatbot Boosts Customer Satisfaction
It is obvious that every brand wants to have satisfied customers.
Therefore we did some research and had a look at the Hundertmark Study of 2020. Impressive results were that 62% of respondents said that they see the greatest added value when using a chatbot in increasing customer satisfaction. 64% of the respondents see the greatest added value when using a chatbot in increasing in efficiency, 62% said increase in customer satisfaction, and 26% of the respondents answered cost reduction. Moreover, 73% of the respondents said chatbots should be used in e-commerce, and 33% answered sales.
Do you have some other reasons to add? We want to know them, so feel free to tell us!
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