
LoyJoy is excited to sponsor TEDxMünster 2021

A notebook on a sofa with the TEDxMünster tab open.

LoyJoy is excited to sponsor TEDxMünster 2021

LoyJoy sponsors TEDxMünster 2021

It is a special pleasure and honor that LoyJoy is an official partner of TEDxMünster e.V.

With our core values joy and conversations, we are more than happy to support TEDxMünster 2021, which is all about joy and conversation.

What is TEDxMünster?

TED, at first, is a non profit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started 30 years ago.

And what about TEDx? TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events. It brings people together to share a TED-like experience. At TEDx it is all about spreading ideas and inspiration. TED Talks videos and live speakers let us dive deep into discussion and connection.

And now let’s have a look at Münster. TEDxMünster has had its premiere in 2013. Since then, the TEDx community in Münster and its surroundings has grown rapidly-with new team members, volunteers, partners and ideas.

And LoyJoy is more than proud to be a partner of this year’s TEDxMünster. We are really happy and thankful to contribute to making this event possible.

Partner: LoyJoy

This year’s TEDxMünster is all about “In Transit”

Let me proudly present TEDxMünster 2021: The event will take place on September 18. This year, it is all about the subject “In Transit”. Fitting perfectly to our situation due to the pandemic. In these COVID times, we are going through one of the biggest changes ever. To think that things can stay the same is an illusion. Change is a constant in our lives.

You want to hear more about this? Get some inspiration and listen to great speakers? Then SAVE THE DATE! 18.09.2021

Currently, the Call for Speakers is open. You know someone who might be a good fit? Then don’t hesitate! The application form is available on the official website of TEDxMünster https://www.tedxmuenster.de. Share it with your friends and family. Make it the first social event you’re going to. Enjoy!

Are you ready for TedxMünster 2021? Below the headline is the theme of the event.

Are you ready for TEDxMünster 2021?

We are!

P.S. You still want to know more?

Check out their website: https://en.tedxmuenster.de/

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