What Is a Conversational Platform and How Does BPMN Engine Work?

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Three people standing between plants and are talking to each other.

What Is a Conversational Platform and How Does BPMN Engine Work?

What Is a Conversational Platform?

Do you know what a conversational platform is? And what does the weekly Münster market have to do with it?

We asked Seb, our Senior Full-Stack Software Engineer.

First, let’s start with a definition of a platform. Usually, in a business context, a platform provides the exchange between two independent groups of people, for example, consumers and producers.

Thank you, Seb. Do you have an example?

Consider now, the weekly market which takes place every Wednesday and Saturday here in Münster. We have on the one side the producers who offer their vegetables and fruits and on the other side, we have the consumers who buy their offer. The market itself now acts as a platform as it brings together both independent groups of people, the consumers, and the producers.

Okay, I got that!

Now coming back to the definition of a conversational platform. A conversational platform provides benefits for both consumers and producers by facilitating their communication. We as LoyJoy give companies a powerful tool at hand to scale their communication with their customers (Sebastian Deisel, Full-Stack Software Engineer)

A search bar. What is a Conversational Platform? A conversational platform provides benefits for both consumers and producers by facilitating their communication. As LoyJoy, we give companies a powerful tool to scale their communication with their customers.

What Is a BPMN Engine?

LoyJoy is successfully using a BPMN engine, right? I wonder what this difficult term is supposed to tell me. Here, Jonathan, our Head of AI Engineering could help us out.

Let’s start with the letters B-P-M-N. It stands for Business Process Modeling Notation. Basically, it’s a way to turn a process into a diagram. A process such as a company’s billing process. This diagram can then be used to better understand the process, communicate it, or automate it, and this is where an engine comes in. A process engine can take such a diagram or model and automatically walk through the steps.

How does LoyJoy make use of the BPMN engine?

Here at LoyJoy, we use our own BPMN engine to automate chat experiences. This has two advantages. First, you can flexibly model your chat experiences using the building blocks we provide. Second, you can use your existing knowledge, processes, and even tools to model and create your chat experiences. But even if you don’t have experience with BPMN and co, you can use the convenient -what you see- what you get- editor in LoyJoy to model your processes. Nevertheless, it will always be based on the BPMN standard (Jonathan Schmitz, Head of AI Engineering)

A search bar. What is a BPMN Engine? It stand for Business Process Modeling Notation. Basically, its a way to turn a process into a diagram. This diagram can be used to better understand the process, communicate or automate it. Then, a process engine can take such a diagram and automatically walk through the steps.

Thank you so much for the explanation!

Slowly we are making progress- learning about this difficult technical area that is feared everywhere. If you have any further questions, just send us a quick mail and we’ll do our best to provide an explanation.

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