LoyJoy Platform

Push Your Animation Game To The Next Level: New Lottie Animations

A launching rocket

Push Your Animation Game To The Next Level: New Lottie Animations

With the exciting new Lottie animations, you can now increase the fun and enjoyment of your customers even more.

How to Insert Lottie Animations in 3 Steps

**1. Download **👇

Choose your fav Lottie animation from hundreds of free ones or buy one. Find them on the LottieFiles Website.

**2. Drag and Drop **👉
Add the new process module “Lottie Animation” from your process editor and drag it into your experience.

**3. Upload **☝️
Look for the downloaded Lottie animation and simply upload it into your experience. Enjoy!

See the Lottie Animations in Action

Click here to discover some of the new animations in the LoyJoy experience. Have fun! :)

An experience where a cat sticks its head out of a pumpkin and disappears again.

Upcoming: The LoyJoy chat can soon be integrated into the page flow of a website instead of running as an overlay on a page. Stay tuned 🎉🎉

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