
A Success Story. LoyJoy Enriches the First Virtual DMEXCO in 2020

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A Success Story. LoyJoy Enriches the First Virtual DMEXCO in 2020

A World Premiere: The First Virtual DMEXCO

It was a world premiere.

The DMEXCO, the most important digital marketing expo & conference, became virtual in 2020. It became DMEXCO@home. The DMEXCO@home which took place on the 23th and 24th of September reached more than 20000 visitors and 800 speakers. It was the first time ever that visitors and speakers did not go to Cologne themselves, they came virtually. Though it was a big success, not only for DMEXCO, but for LoyJoy as well.

Another innovation at the first virtual DMEXCO was the MAD//Fest: an event inside the event of the DMEXCO@home. Different speakers from all over the world had exactly 180 seconds to present their ideas and opportunities to provide a better digital future.

One of the speakers was Ulf Loetschert of our LoyJoyTeam. We were delighted in having two sessions: “Brands, Build Your Own Audience With Your Own Messenger” and “Chatbots Suck & How to 💥 with Conversational Marketing”. Our Team inspired the visitors by talking about our conversational cloud and therefore the opportunity we created in form of the chatbot. It was already the fourth time LoyJoy was part of the largest digital marketing fair.

”Pretty Fantastic” - The Successful Collaboration of LoyJoy x Beiersdorf

Another big success was the 20mins talk about the successful cooperation of Beiersdorf with LoyJoy, held by Martin Böhm, CDO of Beiersdorf AG: Böhm gave an explanation about the benefits the company enjoyed because of cooperating with LoyJoy. Thanks to the conversational cloud and the close cooperation, Beiersdorf reached more than 40 countries in just 8 months: Global rollout in 8 months with LoyJoy.

Data about the successful cooperation: 15 different consumer dialogues based on chatbot technology available. 36 countries live. Integrated platform (e.g. PIM, Salesforce, social media, data collection). Performance after 4 months: more than 2.0mn conversations started, more than 700k answers within chat bot, and more than 2min average chat time.

LoyJoy x Beiersdorf- Data About the Successful Cooperation

The roll out success factors were

- digital standardization

- connectivity & integration

- Ai brand intelligence and

- partnership & collaboration.

Böhm called the LoyJoy chatbot provided with its specialization for all types of different cases “pretty fantastic”.

The 1-2-1 Dialogue With the Consumer as “The Biggest Opportunity"

"at the end of the day it´s about how to get connected with a strong consumer base you build up during a lifelong journey (…) and how to get into a dialogue” (Martin Böhm)

And that can be seen as the biggest challenge on one hand and as the biggest opportunity for a company on the other hand, how Böhm said in his talk. LoyJoy solves this challenge. It turns the biggest challenge into the biggest opportunity with the help of its conversational cloud and therefore the personalized dialogue with the consumers. Beiersdorf and LoyJoy focus on emotional consumer interactions.

Martin Böhm, CDO of Beiersdorf AG, talked about the successful cooperation of Beiersdorf with LoyJoy.

The 1-2-1 Dialogue With the Consumers

”this leads to a definitely more qualitative conversation with the consumer” (Martin Böhm)

In the end Beiersdorf gets amazing feedback for its conversational marketing and for the collaboration with LoyJoy. LoyJoy creates a big change regarding the consumer conversation: It turns the mass newsletter into the one-to-one personalized experience. The one-to-one dialogue stands for individuality, personalization and quality.

It is not about the product anymore, but about the consumer. It is about the joy and power of good conversations.

Martin Böhm, CDO of Beiersdorf AG, talked about the successful cooperation of Beiersdorf with LoyJoy.

Feedback From All Over the world

You can find the talk of Martin Böhm here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h6-_wzjoMo&feature=youtu.be

And if you would like to know more about The DMEXCO, you can get more information here: https://dmexco.com/de/

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