Success Cases

How Deutsche Telekom Wins More Leads, Permissions, and Wows Customers with LoyJoy

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Carsten Akman talks about the successful cooperation with LoyJoy.

How Deutsche Telekom Wins More Leads, Permissions, and Wows Customers with LoyJoy

The Rethink! Connected Customer 2022 took place on 4/5 July in Berlin. LoyJoy was part of it. Key points of the live networking event were the subjects of Customer Relationship Management & AI, CRM Transformation & IoT, Self Service & Chatbots, and so on.

About Rethink! Connected Customer

The event is all about the future of marketing technology. 150+ participants and top decision-makers from all industry sectors came together. Participants were qualified in advance. Only invited guests of the top decision-maker levels came to Berlin. LoyJoy was delighted to be one of them. Thus, the event was about gaining insights into current projects from the practice of leading companies, discussing the biggest current challenges, and finding solutions to them. Carsten Akman of Deutsche Telekom presented LoyJoy as their chosen solution for conversational marketing challenges.

Talk On the Successful Cooperation With LoyJoy

Carsten Akman, Head of Permission & Customer Management of Telekom Deutschland GmbH, rocked the stage at the Connected Customer Event in Berlin, talking about success stories of the cooperation with LoyJoy. He explained how to use bot systems intelligently and in a personalized way for loyalty, service, and sales communication.

Deutsche Telekom’s business challenge was based on the increasing number of campaigns and contextual references. The customer has a certain, limited attention span and cannot absorb everything. Therefore, campaigns need to be personalized and communication differentiated. Reach should be increased. The solution was LoyJoy and its conversational marketing platform.

Carsten Akman talks about the successful cooperation with LoyJoy.

Carsten Akman talks about the successful cooperation with LoyJoy

In his presentation, Akman described how to sustainably increase conversion rates, value, and customer satisfaction – by using LoyJoy as the platform of choice. Of course, the LoyJoy team attended the talk and listened attentively with lots of joy 😍.

These are the moments that make my heart beat faster (Ulf F. Loetschert, CEO LoyJoy)

Usually, chatbots are categorized as customer service and cost-cutting. However, LoyJoy and its conversational marketing platform ensure customer enthusiasm and personalized, emotional experiences via chat.

Growing Number of Joint Use Cases

Since 2020, Deutsche Telekom and LoyJoy have been implementing a growing number of joint cases. The company uses LoyJoy for their personalized birthday chatbot, their “saying sorry”- chatbot for interferences, and their huge advent calendars every year. Carsten Akman declares himself a chatbot- enemy. After working with LoyJoy chatbots he has to admit:

They can’t do everything, but what they can do, they can do perfectly.

He explains that complex and extensive topics can be conveyed contextually through LoyJoy and chatbots. Before working with LoyJoy, Deutsche Telekom used to send daily mails during December, the month of huge Christmas campaigns. By working with LoyJoy, there is now one common touchpoint for all offers, wrapped in an emotional story. All in all, this means less communication, but significantly more sales says Akman.

Success Story Deutsche Telekom Advent Calendar 2021

Above all, Deutsche Telekom aimed to generate permission and increase sales and satisfaction with its conversational marketing solution. One example of how these goals can be achieved is the Deutsche Telekom x LoyJoy Advent calendar - featuring 24 interactive brand touchpoints with quizzes, competitions, and cross/up-selling elements. The Advent calendar was published on the Telekom website and Instagram. The first-party customer data was saved directly into the CRM. Recurring customers were recognized across devices and addressed in a personalized manner.

The results were impressive. The Advent calendar 2021 was a highlight with almost 1 million participants and a daily shift in sales 🚀🚀.

4.7 star out of 5 stars rating from customers and 10% active sharing with friends and family. More than 50% of participants agreed with the Deutsche Telekom reminder service. In other words, half of the participants wanted to get a reminder of more cool services like this one.

The Telekom Advent Calendar experience and three KPIs: 73% conversion visitors, 10% actively inviting friends, and a 4.7 out of 5 star rating.

The Deutsche Telekom x LoyJoy Advent Calendar

The LoyJoy Booth in Berlin

Apart from the amazing talks we listened to, we had our own booth as well. The famous LoyJoy raffle was very well received. Our llamas and joyful unicorns have met with a great response. The instant prizes at our booth made the participants and their children very happy. We even received photos afterwards of the kids running around happily with their LoyJoy unicorns.

The LoyJoy booth at the Rethink! Connected Customer in Berlin.

The LoyJoy booth at the Rethink! Connected Customer in Berlin

Learn More About the Advent Calendar 2021

Find out more about the Deutsche Telekom x LoyJoy Advent calendar and have a look at the screenshots and the customer journey.

Three screenshots of the Telekom Advent Calendar experience and three text blocks. First, customers are directed to the advent calendar via social media ads. Second, the direct interaction motivates customers to start and continue the dialog. Third, a daily quiz with a chance to win and playful elements.

Screenshots and Customer Journey of Deutsche Telekom Advent Calendar

Thanks a lot again, Carsten Akman and Deutsche Telekom, we’re looking forward to exciting future cases! 🎉

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