Conversational Platform

GPT & Generative AI

LoyJoy GPT automatically answers queries about knowledge, follow-up questions or small talk.

GPT & Generative AI

Smart AI Conversations: Elevate Engagement with Precision

Revolutionize Customer Interaction with Multi-Step GPT Integration

Multi-Step GPT Integration for Smarter Replies

Our advanced GPT integration automatically categorizes inquiries – from knowledge questions to follow-ups and small talk. Incorporate your processes into Process GPT, enabling the AI to precisely identify customer intents, whether service or sales inquiries, and execute the appropriate action fully automated.

Only Give the Best Answers

You can ensure the best answer quality by restricting the AI to only answer questions based on your knowledge base. This way, you can ensure that the AI only answers questions that you have approved. You can include any web site content into your knowledge base, or you can upload files. Additionally, you can access your knowledge base via API to automatically update the content.

How LoyJoy’s Knowledge Base Works

The knowledge base is a central repository for all the content that GPT should base its answers on. When a user asks a question, LoyJoy searches your knowledge base for the most relevant pieces of information from your content. The most relevant content pieces are then handed over to the GPT model, which uses them to generate an answer. This approach is also known as “Retrieval-Augmented Generation” (RAG).

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Fully Integrated Into LoyJoy

The GPT is fully integrated into LoyJoy. You can use it in any experience to answer questions from your customers. Additionally, you can use the AI to reroute your customers to the right experience.

Expert Backup

When the AI needs help, seamlessly transition to live chat or asynchronous message, without disrupting the customer experience. The fallback can be tailored to your needs to ensure that it fits your workflow.

Bring Your Own Azure GPT Model

In LoyJoy, you can choose which GPT model you want to use. You can use models directly from OpenAI, models hosted in Europe on Azure, or you can create your own deployment in Azure and use it in LoyJoy. This allows you to use the GPT model that best fits your needs and complies with your data protection requirements.